Show up!

Please join us whenever we post a big event like a rally, school board meeting, or county commissioners meeting. If you come to a rally, make a sign ahead of time and bring it with you. If you come to a school board or county commissioners meeting, prepare some remarks and sign up to speak. Our local officials need to hear from all of us.

Sign the Petition

Sign the online petition or sign the paper petition, and walk your neighborhood with the petition. We need more signatures and we need to continue getting the word out about Exxon and their Saudi partner Saudi Arabia Basic Industries Corporation.  Click the link below to sign the petition!

Write a letter

Write a letter to the editor and submit it to the Caller Times, Portland News, Coastal Bend Chronicle, or The Coastal Bend Herald. When it gets published, send us a message on the Facebook page and we will post a link to your letter.

Like Us on Facebook!

Engage, comment, interact with us as we post updates.

Make Phone Calls

Make phone calls to county commissioners and GPISD Superintendent Dr. Paul Clore. Ask them not to give tax abatements unless Exxon/SABIC moves the site further from homes and schools.

PAUL CLORE, PH.D. – Superintendent
(361) 777-1091, ext. 1018

TERRY A. SIMPSON – County Judge
(361) 364-9301
NINA TREVINO – Precinct 1 Comm.
(361) 364-6170
FRED NARDINI – Precinct 2 Comm.
(361) 643-1460
ALMA V. MORENO – Precinct 3 Comm.
(361) 368-4671
HOWARD J. GILLESPIE – Precinct 4 Comm.
(361) 758-5276
Do Research

Find articles that we can post on the Facebook page. Then just send us a message with a link to the article. You can also send memes.

Fact Finding

Find all the facts you can about this proposed petrochemical complex. Take a look at the state comptrollers website and find the 313 application for limitation of appraised value. Find out more about the 312 application for limitation of appraised value filed with the county. Read the minutes of the Corpus Christi Port Commissioners Meetings and the meetings of the San Patricio Regional Economic Development Corporation and Corpus Christi Regional Economic Development Corporation. Send us a message if you find anything interesting.

Write Articles

Are you a good writer? We need articles to include on our webpage. If you attend a meeting, please write an article about it. If you find some interesting facts, write about them. Then send your article to the Facebook page and our editor will take a look.

Water Usage

Spread the word about the water usage of the proposed petrochemical complex. We need to make sure cities in San Patricio County and cities in neighboring counties are aware of the drain these plants will have on our regional water supply. According to the Gulf Coast Growth Ventures webpage, the plants will use an average of 20 million gallons of water per day. That is 7.3 billion gallons per year. Compare that to the 7.12 billion gallons of water San Patricio County residents and industry currently use.  Exxon is talking about building a desalination plant, but that has been talked about for years and would be very costly.  It would also impact local fishing.