We urge citizens to comment on this application and ask for a public meeting. This meeting was held September 16, 2019. We have created a Quick Guide to Submitting Public Comment to assist in submitting comments to the TCEQ. Click here.
Exxon’s Air Permit for the main facility is now at the contested case stage. We must remember and re-focus on their application for an air permit to construct a chemical products storage and transfer facility at the end of Kay Bailey Hutchinson Road on the La Quinta Channel.
It will consist of numerous chemical storage tanks, pressure spheres, a slop oil tank, and emergency flares. The height above ground for the facilities will range from 10 feet to 48 feet. The facility will emit 31.87 tons of Volatile Organic Compounds per year; 1.13 tons of Sulfur Dioxide; 8.73 tons of Carbon Monoxide; 2.31 tons of Nitrogen Oxides. The facility will also release particulate matter of 2.5 microns or less. Ships, with their own toxic emissions, will tie up at a new marine loading dock just east of where Green Lake empties into La Quinta Channel. This is the same area where Exxon’s industrial wastewater will be discharged and where the Port proposes a seawater desalination facility.
PCU has submitted comments to TCEQ and requested a Public Meeting on the terminal. Many of you have also commented. But more comments and Requests that TCEQ hold a public meeting are necessary to show TCEQ there is significant interest in this permit. Public comments can be submitted the TCEQ at http://www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eComment/. The Permit Number is 149313.
We urge citizens to comment on this application and ask for a public meeting. This meeting was held September 16, 2019. We have created a Quick Guide to Submitting Public Comment to assist in submitting comments to the TCEQ. Click here.
You should also call our State Senator and Representative – Senator Judith Zaffirini’s District office at (956) 722-2293 or in Austin at (512) 463-0121; Representative JM Lozano’s District office at (361) 643-0063 or in Austin at (512) 463-0463. Tell them to request TCEQ conduct a public meeting in Portland. TCEQ is required to do so if either of them requests it.