The Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club is joining the Texas Campaign for the Environment in challenging the issuance of the TCEQ Air Permit to Exxon/SABIC.
The Permit allows the proposed facility to emit the following contaminants into our air:
Total Particulate Matter (PM) 185.82 TONS per year
Coarse Particulate Matter (PM10) 176.35 TONS per year
Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) 167.51 TONS per year
Volatile Org Compounds (VOC) 976.33 TONS per year
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX) 525.03 TONS per year
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 1444.60 TONS per year
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) 0.03 TONS per year
Sulfuric Acid Mist (H2SO4) 1.15 TONS per year
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 38.49 TONS per year
Greenhouse Gases (as CO2e) 2,933,595 TONS per year
Issuance of the Air Permit will allow the facility to be constructed, impacting not only the air we breathe but our bays and estuaries with the daily release of 9.3 Million gallons of industrial wastewater.
Attorneys from the Sierra Club and the Environmental Integrity Project, which filed the original request for a contested case hearing, will challenge the issuance of the permit on behalf of residents in Portland and Gregory.