While focusing on the Public Meeting on Exxon’s Water Permit, a few weeks ago we let everyone know about Exxon’s latest application for a new Air Permit to construct a terminal at the end of Kay Bailey Hutchinson Road on the La Quinta Channel. This sits near the end of Country Club Blvd. Exxon has asked for “expedited permitting” from TCEQ. The PCU has already submitted a comment and Request for a Public Meeting on this new Air Permit. Here are some more details on their application.
The “terminal” will be a chemical products storage and transfer facility. It will consist of numerous chemical storage tanks, pressure spheres, a slop oil tank, and emergency flares. The height above ground for the facilities will range from 10 feet to 48 feet. The facility will emit 31.87 tons of Volatile Organic Compounds per year; 1.13 tons of Sulfur Dioxide; 8.73 tons of Carbon Monoxide; 2.31 tons of Nitrogen Oxides. The facility will also release particulate matter of 2.5 microns or less. Ships will tie up at a new marine loading dock just east of where Green Lake empties into La Quinta Channel. The plot maps accompanying this post are from their application.
We urge citizens to comment on this application and ask for a public meeting in Portland, TX. You can do so on the TCEQ website. It is an easy process. We have posted a Quick Guide | Submitting a Public Comment to the TCEQ with instructions here. The Permit Number is 149313.
Check out the Plot Maps below.
GCGV’s planned Terminal near Country Club Blvd. We placed their planned terminal map over a zoomed out image on Google Earth.